Colour collections

We offer most of our colour collections in both powder and paste form as an all-encompassing portfolio. The colour collections “It’s Magic” and “MetalliX”, however, are only available in paste form on account of the production process.

Colour pastes:

The right combination and calculated further processing of the utilised materials result in ceramic colour pastes with their unique properties and benefits. The utilised materials are split up into three main groups.

Glass flux or frit

Finely milled specialty glass. The glass flux creates the bond with the substrate (e.g. glass), defines the firing range, and gives the colour its chemical and mechanical resistance.

Colouring agents and pigments

Metal oxides. They give the colour its tone and govern the opacity and transparency.


Water-friendly, water-based and oily fluids that are used to transform the colour powder into paste. The use of different media is decisive with regard to the drying and application possibilities (e.g. screen printing, roller coating, spraying, etc.)

Natural raw materials are mainly used for the production of our ceramic colours. They are produced in batch operation within a specified tolerance range. For this reason, slight deviations in the colour tone can occur when using different colour batches. We offer appropriately dimensioned batches for larger projects to avoid any such deviations.

We always recommend conducting a full test under production conditions with the original glass in its original size. A change in the individual process parameters (e.g. film thickness, drying, furnace control, furnace positioning, furnace occupancy, furnace atmosphere, etc.) can have a significant impact on the colour after firing, opacity and tone of the colours.

It is not recommended to use enamelled glass with the ceramic colour on the side directly exposed to the weather. Depending on the atmosphere and environmental influences, discernible chemical attacks can occur.

Colour powder:

Of course, we supply not only ready-made colour pastes, but also the corresponding colour powders from most of our collections. The “It’s Magic” and “MetalliX” collections are generally only available in paste form.